
Thank you for supporting Siebert For The 12th!

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Contribution Rules

* In order to contribute, you must be a U.S. citizen or lawfully admitted permanent resident (i.e., green card holder).
* This contribution must be made from your own funds, and funds may not be provided to you by another person or entity for the purpose of making this contribution.
* Siebert For The 12th will not accept contributions from any corporation that has filed articles of incorporation under R.C. 1701, whether that corporation is for-profit or nonprofit.
* Siebert For The 12th will accept contributions from legal professional associations organized under R.C. 1785, as well as LLCs established via R.C. 1705.
* You must be at least seven years old.
* If contributing via credit card, you must use your own personal credit card and not with a corporate or business credit card or a card issued to another person.
* Contributions or gifts are not tax deductible.
* The maximum amount an individual may contribute is $1,400 per election. Your contribution (up to $1,400) will be designated for the primary election. After March 19, 2024 the next $1,400 will be designated for the general election.
* The maximum amount a professional association or LLC may contribute is $4,100 per election. Your contribution (up to $4,100) will be designated for the primary election. After March 19, 2024 the next $4,100 will be designated for the general election.
* If you are contributing via check and you would like your contribution split with a person who is a joint holder of that account, please note in the memo line how much should be attributed to each account holder as a contribution.